Medium |
%s just wrote you in %s %s but you're offline
Medium |
Add user to letschat failed: %s
Medium |
Adding %s to User Manager
Medium |
Medium |
Asterisk home dir (%s) doesn't exist, and, ASTSPOOLDIR doesn't exist. Aborting
Medium |
Cannot create xmpp tables
Medium |
Change your notification preferences %s
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Chat Server has already been running on PID %s for %s
Medium |
Chat Server is not running
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Deletion of user on letschat failed: %s
Medium |
Detected Blank username, removing
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Enable XMPP for this user
Medium |
Enable mail notifications
Medium |
Medium |
Error updating xmpp notifications
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Finished updating libraries!
Medium |
If you think this e-mail was an error, please contact us at
Medium |
Medium |
Installing/Updating MongoDB...
Medium |
Installing/Updating NodeJS...
Medium |
Installing/Updating Required Libraries. This may take a while...
Medium |
Medium |
Manage and configure a XMPP Server Prosody and requires the Prosody RPM from your PBX be installed.
Medium |
Migrating Token Users to User Manager
Medium |
Medium |
MongoDB is not running. Please start it before starting XMPP
Medium |
MongoDB version is: %s requirement is %s
Medium |
NPM version is: %s requirement is %s
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Node Package Manager is not installed
Medium |
Medium |
Node version is: %s requirement is %s
Medium |
Medium |
Please enter your username and password to login to the XMPP server
Medium |
Prosody is no longer used and conflicts with this package. Please remove it before continuing
Medium |
Recursively sending to yourself is not allowed!
Medium |