A PHP extension stopped the file upload
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Bulk Handler manages the bulk export or import of extensions, DIDs, user manager users, user manager groups, and contacts. You can export any of these as a CSV file. You can also upload a CSV file to save time versus having to enter each item individually. The module provides required/recommended headers for your CSV files.
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Can Not Find Uploaded Files
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Cant Create Temp Directory: %s
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Failed to write file to disk
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Header row and data row count do not match
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Missing a temporary folder
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No Bulk Exporters have been defined
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No Bulk Importers have been defined
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Only CSV files are supported
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Replace/Update existing data
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Required headers(*) are the minimum headers you must supply to be able to import. For a full list of all supported headers export out a CSV file from the export display
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Required(*)/Recommended Headers
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The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form
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The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini
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The uploaded file was only partially uploaded
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There is nothing to import!
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Too many extensions to import. The limit is: %d physical extensions.
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