Language Translated Words Review Checks Suggestions
Chinese (Simplified)
4.1% 0.6% 0.0% 0 0 Translate
99.2% 99.0% 0.0% 0 0 Translate
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 Translate
34.1% 26.7% 0.0% 12 0 Translate
82.9% 58.6% 0.0% 0 0 Translate

- Approved
- Good
- Failing checks
- Needs editing

Project website
Instructions for translators
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Suggestions to improve translation can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
Repository ssh://
Repository branch master 77b090c
Repository with Weblate translations http://*/git/fpbxc/sipstation/
Number of strings 1230
Number of words 9640
Number of languages 5
Number of source strings 246
Number of source words 1928

Search and replace

You can replace a string in all strings at once. The search is a simple substring case sensitive search.

When User Action Detail Object
2 years ago None Pushed changes FreePBX Commercial/sipstation
2 years ago None Committed changes FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
El prefijo que ingresó, %s, no es un prefijo correcto o tiene un largo incorrecto. Debe ser un prefijo de 3 dígitos.
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
La interfaz en nuestros servidores ha sido actualizada para proveer nueva información para el módulo de SIPStation.
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
Las líneas actuales están usando %s y conectando a %s en el puerto %s usando un rango de RTP %s-%s
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
El transporte TLS para Chan PJSIP está actualmente deshabilitado, habilítelo en Chan PJSIP %s y refresque esta página
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
Estado del Sistema
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
Centro de Soporte
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
Actualizó correctamente o configuró la conmutación por error para sus %s DID
2 years ago Santiago Pioli New translation FreePBX Commercial/sipstation - Spanish
%s rutas entrantes creadas o actualizadas satisfactoriamente para sus DID
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