
Skip Busy Agents
Some ring strategies (linear, round robin) require Asterisk to be restarted for changes to take effect.
Static Agents
Agenti Statici
Static agents are extensions that are assumed to always be on the queue. Static agents do not need to 'log in' to the queue, and cannot 'log out' of the queue.<br><br>List extensions to ring, one per line.<br><br>You can include an extension on a remote system, or an external number (Outbound Routing must contain a valid route for external numbers). You can put a "," after the agent followed by a penalty value, see Asterisk documentation concerning penalties.<br /><br /> An advanced mode has been added which allows you to prefix an agent number with S, P, X, Z, D or A. This will force the agent number to be dialed as an Asterisk device of type SIP, PJSIP, IAX2, ZAP, DAHDi or Agent respectively. This mode is for advanced users and can cause known issues in FreePBX as you are by-passing the normal dialplan. If your 'Agent Restrictions' are not set to 'Extension Only' you will have problems with subsequent transfers to voicemail and other issues may also exist.
Stats Reset
The absolute minimum time between the start of each queue position and/or estimated holdtime announcement
The maximum number of seconds a caller can wait in a queue before being pulled out. (0 for unlimited).
Il numero massimo di secondi che un chiamante può aspettare in coda prima che sia buttato fuori. (0 per illimitato).
The number of seconds an agent's phone can ring before we consider it a timeout. Unlimited or other timeout values may still be limited by system ringtime or individual extension defaults.
Il numero di secondi che il telefono dell'agente squilla prima che venga considerato irragiungibile. Illimitato o altri valori di timeout possono essere limitati dal tempo di squillo predefinito di sistema o del singolo interno.
The number of seconds we wait before trying all the phones again. Choosing "No Retry" will exit the Queue and go to the fail-over destination as soon as the first attempted agent times-out, additional agents will not be attempted.
Il numero di secondi di attesa prima di riprovare a chiamare tutti gli agenti. Scegliendo "Non Riprovare" la chiamata uscirà dalla coda e proseguirà con la destinazione successiva appena il primo tentativo andrà in time-out, agenti addizionali non verranno chiamati.



Things to check


Source Translation
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string location
views/​form.php:392 views/​form.php:401 views/​form.php:1312 views/​form.php:1647 views/​form.php:1681
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
i18n/​it_IT/​LC_MESSAGES/​queues.po, string 180
String priority
Failing checks